Saturday, July 6, 2013

MRI scan

MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. An MRI scanner uses a
magnetic fi eld and radio waves to build up detailed pictures of various parts of
the body by picking up signals sent out by water molecules. Computer systems
help with this but no X-rays are used.

It helps doctors make a diagnosis or assess the eff ects of treatment. Your
doctor will recommend an MRI scan based on the type of disease you have
and the reason for the scan.

You don't need to get panic,this scan isn’t painful. However, you will have to lie still for up to one hour on a table which is quite hard. The radiographers will do their best to make you comfortable. If you have any pain or
discomfort that could lead to difficulties with the scan, please tell the radiographer before your scan.

During the scan
The scanner produces a variety of loud noises which are made by magnetic coils
that switch on and off  during the scan. These coils measure the signal coming
from your body in order to create the images. The noise is caused by them
being switched on and off  so rapidly that they vibrate.

Ear defenders or earplugs will help reduce this noise.Although the scanner is open at both ends, some people may fi nd this claustrophobic. If you are worried about this, please speak to the radiographer before you come for your scan. During the scan, the radiographer will be able to see you from the control room and you can talk to each other through an intercom. You will be given a call button to press and may be able to listen to music during the scan. The newer scanners are much shorter and wider than before.

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